Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hmm... attitude/feeling today: calm and still.

There's nothing better than actually not talking.
You really get to listen in on life, people, and the silence.
I think we're scared of silence. I think we're scared of what we're gonna hear.
I see culture becoming more and more like a retail store selling us shirts or scarfs to cover the scars rather than healing and bandaging the wounds.

Something tells me we don't know who we really are. If I look in the mirror, I see myself. But we don't get a mirror for our soul. Or else we'd probably be pretty disgusted. What would you see?

Silence. It leaves you vulnerable. You hear everything. Stop thinking. Just sit. Wait. Be patient. Oh you'll hear. You'll hear the inevitable. Your soul. Your heart. Your Creator. Once we clear the dross, we find ourselves naked in understanding and afraid of what we might find out.

Who are YOU? What's behind the mask? What's on the inside? Who are you when there's silence?

Love God and Love People
Woo Boy

Monday, September 26, 2005

Wow, someone read it....

I think I'm keeping this one underground. For real. Xanga's my front man and this one is what lies beneath...what am I talking about?! Anywho...

We're called, designed and gifted to be living, breathing, creative, moving parts in Christ. My struggle is the inconsistency of these and the people that are rigid in there legalism. If you don't understand what I said, I'll explain later.

I've experienced something lately. Call it a "God Moment." It's either: 1.) something that hits me so hard I'm left stunned in my tracks, or 2.) something that ignites me after I've been drowned in gasoline but I don't know how to react to it. What I've realized is that for years, my experience in following Jesus has never meant as much to me as it has now. Now, granted, I've been growing. But something lately has shown me more of the power that this movement holds than ever before. We have a very real Jesus that is active, living, and breathing. Real. What have I been doing...

And that's what is scary. Lord, this movement is so real, so powerful, I don't even know how to approach it. And thats where I'm at now. Another step in the growth process of what Jesus meant for us to follow him...

Love God and Love People

Thursday, September 15, 2005

No One Will Read This...

And that's cool with me. Seriously. That phrase, "I wasn't born here to do nothing." is a little self-righteous noting that we in ourselves weren't made to do anything but sin outside the living God. However, knowing my journey that lies ahead, I'm all the more excited that for some reason, I'm going to do something. Big or small, I feel the urge to jump on top of pike's peak and shout at the top of my lungs! I'm searching for more deep in life in Christ.

Love God and Love People